National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunityfor me; something that I am really excited to have. I wouldlove to be involved in NJHS and share my ideas/listen toothers ideas about fundraisers and collecting donations,etc. I love helping the needy and have participated incountless things. For example, I made bears for those whohave to live in hospitals and helped throw a Christmasparty to give them their bears and play games, I havecleaned up a junkyard full of trash, sang to elder people,read to little kids, cleaned a baby orphanage and take careof them for an afternoon, and I am currently finishing up abedspread I am planning to donate. I love to see peoplehappy when they see someone helping them, and Iabsolutely love babies and children.I love being in charge of things. Many teachers andpeople have told me that I have great leadership skills andthat I use them well. I am the secretary of the studentcouncil. I have been called the leader of some of my studygroups and captain/co captain of some lunch sports. I loveto be at the top of things, get them done on time, and dothem correctly.I think that I am doing well in school and keeping up. Ihave done pretty well in past grades. I currently have A’sin Science, math and science, over 110% in Language artsand over 92% in Social Studies. That is ok for me and I’mtrying to do better in many classes but I’m feeling greatwith my Language arts grades. My GPA last semester wasa 6.8 I think. My lowest grade on a progress report in 6 th grade was one B+ and I had more than one
National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunityfor me; something that I am really excited to have. I wouldlove to be involved in NJHS and share my ideas/listen toothers ideas about fundraisers and collecting donations,etc. I love helping the needy and have participated incountless things. For example, I made bears for those whohave to live in hospitals and helped throw a Christmasparty to give them their bears and play games, I havecleaned up a junkyard full of trash, sang to elder people,read to little kids, cleaned a baby orphanage and take careof them for an afternoon, and I am currently finishing up abedspread I am planning to donate. I love to see peoplehappy when they see someone helping them, and Iabsolutely love babies and children.I love being in charge of things. Many teachers andpeople have told me that I have great leadership skills andthat I use them well. I am the secretary of the studentcouncil. I have been called the leader of some of my studygroups and captain/co captain of some lunch sports. I loveto be at the top of things, get them done on time, and dothem correctly.I think that I am doing well in school and keeping up. Ihave done pretty well in past grades. I currently have A’sin Science, math and science, over 110% in Language artsand over 92% in Social Studies. That is ok for me and I’mtrying to do better in many classes but I’m feeling greatwith my Language arts grades. My GPA last semester wasa 6.8 I think. My lowest grade on a progress report in 6 th grade was one B+ and I had more than one