Nikolo Della Chiesa
Mountain View High School
Policy Identification and Explanation
The National Security Act of 1947, Pub Law 80-253 put into place different security measures for our nation.(The National Security Act of 1947, 1947) It created the CIA, the NCS, and distinguished the different branches of the government. This made the branches we know today as the Army, Navy, Airforce, and the Marines. This Federal law put in place many different organizations to ensure safety for the country. This means that all different branches in the military hold there own specific powers, and uses in governmental affairs. Also the formation of the CIA created the nation's first peacetime intelligence agency.(A look back, 2013)
Policy History/Background The history of this act is that it was put in place during the cold war. The cold war was between three countries, the U.S.A., Cuba, and Russia. This act put in place America's first national security committee. This was one of many security based acts put in place by president truman. This is also the only national security act put in place during a peaceful time period. …show more content…
The first philosophie is from 1648. It is known as the Peace of Westphalia. In that document it states, a nation-state had sovereign control not only of domestic affairs such as religion, but also external security.(Holmes, n.d.). External security in this case means military power. The second philosophie is from 1795. It is from the essay “ Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch”, in the essay it states, the outline of his idea is that nation-states should be replaced. He suggested replacing the nation-states with an world order. In his idea the then nation-states would be the military for the world order.(Holmes,