“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln. In the Army, we are taught essential values to keep in mind and to live out. The Army Core Values consist of seven terms that make up a soldier: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These seven Army Core values are in every soldier of the United States Army including one of the most widely known U.S. leaders, Abraham Lincoln.…
"To develop Midshipmen morally, mentally and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor and loyalty in order to graduate leaders who are dedicated to a career of naval service and have potential for future development in mind and character to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship and government." The mission statement of this institution will not only prepare me to lead Marines and Sailors but allow me to contribute better to society. I will be a part of something bigger than myself as a member of the greatest naval service in the world.…
With Courage you do the right thing even when no one is looking. For commitment Marines are concerned for the welfare of their country, and their corps before themselves. My Marine Corps values are important because they are a way of life. We all come together from different walks of life…
Each of us comes to work every day with our own experience, our own perceptions about life. In and out of uniform we have an individual responsibility to eliminate sex harassment, not taking action goes against the seven core Army values, from the first days in basic training we were drilled on the importance of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage, we was thought to work together creating a teamwork relation, team work is undermined by sexual harassment. It is our responsibility and duty to live these values in everything we do no matter where we are or what we are doing. Victims of sexual harassment sometimes find it difficult to find their voice and seek help, but the Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault…
The underlying principle of the military is a classic representation of utilitarianism. From the start and throughout an enlistment the Navy instills the importance of virtues, values, and the correct moral actions. The value is shown in the Navy’s core values document of honor by integrity first, courage with service before self, and commitment and excellence in all we do. These simple principles give Sailors a focus and demonstrate their worth to the organization. The moral concept of protecting the country’s national interests through the application of and entrance into a military organization is yet another inherent part of the United States Navy. As a military organization the Navy falls in line with the utilitarianism theory because, daily the mission calls for accomplishing what is right for the entire…
Many people know what the words Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage mean. But how often do you see someone actually live up to them? Soldiers learn these values in detail during Basic Combat Training (BCT), from then on they live them every day in everything they do — whether they’re on the job or off. In short, the Seven Core Army Values listed below are what being a Soldier is all about.…
1. It is paramount as Senior Leaders that we develop a successful style of leadership. Throughout my career, I've tried to gather admirable traits of all the leaders I've served for and used these traits for molding my own leadership philosophy. I will continue to seek to strengthen upon my leadership behaviors noted in reference (a) utilizing the Coast Guard's Leadership Competencies.…
Honor, Courage, and Commitment are referenced anywhere one goes in the military, from the day one takes the oath to the day one retires from the service. Honor has many definitions, but one stands out and exemplifies military bearing; Doing the morally right action even when no one is watching, and the integrity that one takes upon oneself in order to responsibly carry out the orders of ones superiors. Courage is the Ability to stand up for ones beliefs and ethics that the Navy has instilled in them, despite the danger to oneself. Commitment is the dedication that is illustrated in the performance of each and every military member in the day to day duties in the Navy. Without one of the core values, the other values would not exist, and without the core values, military bearing would not exist. To Navy service members, military bearing is a broad assortment of rules and ethics that govern ones every day life. For example, a clean and presentable uniform, knowing ones facing movements, how to respectfully address a senior officer, as well as being prompt for either General Quarters, quarters or watch.…
Integrity is one of the most talked about and most abused of the Seven Army Values. First we must define integrity it is doing the right thing consistently. That means that we must do the legally and morally correct thing every time. Just because something is hard or unpleasant does not mean that we can look the other way. Doing the right thing is not a matter of deciding do I help my fellow soldier and let him slide on an Army regulation or do I uphold the regulation. It means doing both they are both equally important. Sometimes helping a soldier means that you must enforce the regulations and in some cases that can mean discharging them from the Army at other times it means fighting for the soldier and getting them the help that they need to succeed in the Army.…
Part of the mission of the Navy Reserve Officer Training Program is to grow midshipmen mentally, physically, and morally to infuse the uppermost standards of obligation and reliability, to introduce the Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment, and to produce naval officers who engage in the utmost responsibilities of command, citizenship, and government. It is important to understand that the military is a tightly knit organization. It is built upon trust and commitment, without which, would not function effectively. Each member of each part of the chain needs to be able to have complete faith in the ability and the trustworthiness of every other person around them. This is the foundation of honor, and the honor code states, “A midshipman…
Loyatly, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, personal courage. The army values that hold the army together from the very core. The army values is the foundation of professionalism. Loyatly to your job is professional to the job on the fast that your boss can then count on you to be on time and trust you. In the army it shows your sergeants that you can be trusted with tasks and they know you'll do your job. Integrity shows you will not take and you will always do what is right no matter the situation you are in. Personal courage is a main building block to…
The United States Navy has a very extensive and unique makeup of people who strive to adhere to the values, standards, and traditions in the organization. The mission statement of the Navy is self-explanatory, operational readiness in defense of our Nation. As mentioned already the personnel are unique and diverse. To meet the challenges of this diverse culture the organization had implemented a very effective diversity program.…
Lack of this in a service member not only hinders the mission of the command but of the entire Army. LOYALTY, DUTY, RESPECT, SELFLESS SERVICE, HONOR, INTEGRITY, and PERSONAL COURAGE are Army core values that are instilled in each personnel’s life the instant that the oath of enlistment is pledged. Loyalty is to bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers. Be loyal to the nation and its heritage. Duty is to fulfill your obligations. Accept responsibility for your own actions and those entrusted to your care. Find opportunities to improve oneself for the good of the group. Respect is to rely upon the golden rule. How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization. Selfless Service is to put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own. Selfless service leads to organizational teamwork and encompasses discipline, self-control and faith in the system. Honor is to live up to all the Army values. Integrity is to do what is right, legally and morally. Be willing to do what is right even when no one is looking. It is our “moral compass” an inner voice. Personal courage is our ability to face fear, danger, or adversity, both physical and moral courage.…
From the very beginning of naval service, certain key principles or core values have carried on to today. They consist of three basic principles, HONOR, COURAGE AND COMMITMENT. Those three words are the backbone of every man and woman, officer or enlisted who has served or is serving in the United States Navy. Values are defined as ideals, beliefs, customs, or principles that a person holds dear. Values are learned and picked up throughout our lives. Here’s what I, a US Navy sailor, think of these values.…
Commitment is yet another crucial Navy core value necessary in maintaining dedication to the cause. It is crucial to be committed to respecting your chain of command, and continuing to work together as a force to improving the quality of our work, the quality of your shipmates moral, and the quality of ourselves as a whole. It takes that same level of commitment to exhibit the highest degree of moral character, technical excellence, quality of work, and competence in what we have been trained to do, to accomplish our individual goals and missions. Sometimes our commitment to our obligations can restrict our personal wants and freedoms, and we must often times even put our families off to the back burner in order to commit to the mission, in…