Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity
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• Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
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Name: ..................................- LEVEL 2 - EQUALITY & DIVERSITY - U1
1. What is meant by diversity?
Diverse means varied and different. It is the differences and uniqueness which separates one person from another. It is about recognising and taking account of people’s backgrounds, skills and knowledge to create a more productive community.
2. Describe the community you live in. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of:
• Interests
The area I live in is classed as ‘a pocket of deprivation’ within my city, according to my postcode. To me – this simply means I live in a very diverse town, with many different people living in close proximity. As such, people here have many different interests. Some people are purely interested in just living day to day and getting by and making the most of things on little money. Many people enjoy the social aspect of the corner pub, there are normally the usual suspects standing on the corner with a cigarette when you pass by. There are people such as myself with a high interest in my children, a lot of mothers who always take time to talk and discuss any milestones their children have made. There are people with interests in pets – namely dogs being taken for a walk. Also I am sure that there is a darker side to the ‘interests’ of the people in my community including