
Neo's Ignorance

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Neo's Ignorance
Fear, doubt and disbelief

Through a majority of the movie Neo struggles to find who he is and what his purpose is. When he is pulled out from the Matrix and thrown into the real world he is in complete denial about what his reality truly was. He had gotten used to his basic life that he had no control of and was content with his personal bubble that he surrounded himself with. One could easily infer that Neo has been pulled out of a world of ignorance and sin and introduced to possibility of God. During the process of Neos conversion he is tempted by the ship crew into doing things that may be undesirable. Mouse talks about the woman in the red dress and how alluring she is trying to coax Neo into giving into his more human desires. To deny
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Cypher before betraying his team said that he didn't mind having his memory blanked. Just as long as he gets to live a successful life ignorant of what the circumstances of the real world are. "Ignorance is bliss."

I believe that one of the more unrecognized moments in the Matrix would be the final fight seen when Neo and Agent Smith get into a gunfight in the subway. When they run out of ammo they proceed to tell each other that they ran out of ammo. "You're empty. So are you.". This one line is symbolic of who Neo is because Agent Smith is a computer program created without basic necessities that differentiates a human from a robot. Therefore having a robot with no sense of being telling a human being which is Neo is this case that he is empty only exemplifies that fact that Neo has yet to find his true purpose in life.

Neo's fall is very symbolic of society hesitating and failing to meet Gods standards. Often times we decide to do something but our lack of belief causes us to truly believe that such a feat is impossible.Like Morpheus said to Neo, the possibilities within the Matrix are limitless, you just have to know that you can do
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I have dealt with fear because it's difficult to change and it is difficult to act differently. Developing a safety bubble separated from the harsher points in life is difficult to get out of especially when you've been in it your entire life. The doubt begins to sink in once you realize that there is no way you can make it through life with the ambitions you have and the circumstances you're dealing with. Those little voices begin to dissuade you and tell you to quit and that you won't be able to do it. Rejecting the strong feelings of doubt as I stated earlier can only be done if one has experienced what it feels like to be in this state and overcome it and understood that there is something past that moment doubt. Disbelief and doubt fall into the same category for me. A moment of weakness in a lifetime of greatness. A moment of telling yourself that you can't do it. That's why depending on the situation I move on the first

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