2 Quality Policy
QualIty Is the foundatIon of our food, nutrItIon, health and wellness coMPany
Nestlé strives to create value that can be sustained over the long term by meeting consumer needs for nutrition, enjoyment and Quality they can trust. Every day, millions of people all over the world show their confidence in us by choosing Nestlé products and brands. This confidence is based on our Quality image and a reputation for high standards that has been built up over many years. Every product on the shelf, every service and every customer contact help to shape this image. A Nestlé brand name on a product is a promise to the customer that it is safe to consume, that it complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that it constantly meets high standards of Quality. Each and every Nestlé employee is involved in and dedicated to achieving high Quality standards for our customers and consumers.
QualIty Is to wIn consuMer trust and Preference
We.are.committed.to.offering.products.and.services.to. our.customers.and.consumers.that.meet.their.needs,. have.their.preference.and.provide.sound.nutrition. We.want.to.win.the.trust.of.our.customers.and. consumers.by.continuously.listening.to.them,.by. understanding.their.expectations.and.consistently. satisfying.their.needs.and.preferences. Our.customers.and.consumers.are.at.the.center.of.our. attention.and.we.recognize.their.legitimate.interest. in.the.behaviour,.beliefs.and.actions.of.Nestlé.behind. brands.in.which.they.place.their.trust..
QualIty Is everyBody’s coMMItMent
Our.Management.takes.the.lead,.sets.objectives.and. demonstrates.its.commitment.towards.Quality.by. practicing.and.living.what.they.preach..All.Nestlé. functions.across.our.Value.Chain.are.fully.responsible. for.observing.mandatory.principles,.norms.and. instructions,.for.maintaining.agreed.Quality.standards. and.for.constantly.improving.them. Our.Quality.personnel.at.all.levels.are.the.guardians.