Why, but why is everyone so opinionated about practically everything to do with pregnancy and child rearing? Everything is treated like a binary decision - right or wrong, no middle ground. The Breast-milk Nazis vs The Formula Fascists, while the Controlled Crying Brigade will not even talk to the Instant Attention Army! You risk grievous bodily harm if you offer your baby a pacifier around the wrong crowd, not to mention the Cesarean Vs Natural births war... Well, I do recall I almost met my maker when one fateful Sunday night, I declared to a roomful of mummies that I was going for an elective C-section, one
Why, but why is everyone so opinionated about practically everything to do with pregnancy and child rearing? Everything is treated like a binary decision - right or wrong, no middle ground. The Breast-milk Nazis vs The Formula Fascists, while the Controlled Crying Brigade will not even talk to the Instant Attention Army! You risk grievous bodily harm if you offer your baby a pacifier around the wrong crowd, not to mention the Cesarean Vs Natural births war... Well, I do recall I almost met my maker when one fateful Sunday night, I declared to a roomful of mummies that I was going for an elective C-section, one