TSW 3 (environmental changes)
Tree 1: Hey, good morning.
Tree 2: Hi... It's already morning? (yawn)
1: Look at you, it's as if you've been up all night! Are you okay?
2: Well, yeah I actually did spent the whole night without sleeping. I'm sure even you heard the news about the western side of our forest.
1: Oh, that. Of course I know about it. Humans are killing our families.
2: Right. I still can't contact my mother, nor my brother. I'm just frightened that they were murdered as well. My father was cut down when I was small, and it still remains a trauma for me.
1: I feel you. I didn't even have a family in the first place. I grew up with the birds that nested in me, and they were my only family. But even they flew away a while ago, complaining that it's getting too warm around here. …show more content…
2: I really don't know what's happening to our forest these days.
I thought that us trees and humans cooperated so that we both can benefit. I can't believe that they're just betraying us like this.
1: I know. Even the rain seems different. How, I don't know but... don't you feel it too? Somehow the water doesn't taste as it should be. I taste metal, not minerals.
2: Yeah me too! I can't stop feeling thirsty, and I'm drinking so much water from the ground but it still doesn't satisfy me.
1: Plus, humans are taking away our water
2: Baaaah humans! What is their issue with us?!
1: I bet they don't have anything with us.
2: What?! Then why would they do all this...?
1: Exactly, like I said. Because they don't have anything with us, they don't care. They don't even know what we do for their benefits.
2: Hush!! Here they come!
Human 1: Hey, what do you think of these trees?
Human 2: Hmm, I think their good enough.
Human 3: Look, there are pine trees too! Remember Chief's face when we brought him that great pine yester day...?!
H2: Well, these aren't good as that one.
H1: Shut up man, according to the Chief, the trees are listening to you!
H1,2,3: Hahahaha! (laugh) 1: (whispering) They're making fun of us!
2: But they said they didn't us! We might survive! H1: So, are we taking these pines too?
H2: I don't know.
H3: But Chief'll get mad if we don't cut down all the trees!
H2: Okay, fine. Lets cut them down too. We can carry them back one by one.
H1: Finally the last two.
H2: Yes! And then we have lunch!
H3: Right. Let's finish it up as fast as possible. 1: Noooooooo! Don't hurt me!
2: What on Earth did we do to you, humans!!! Ahhhhhhhh!
H2: Okay, we're done!
H1: Foooooood!
H3: Hey guys, did you hear some noise when we cut down these two?
H2: Huh? Well, of course we heard noises! The sound of our saw, winds, our breath...
H3: No no no. Not like that. Something more of a... scream?
H1: Um, are you alright?
H2: You must be tired. Let's just go and rest in the shade.
H3: I was so sure I heard something though...