2014-2015 NSLI-Y Online Application Instructions
General Help:
Using the Online Application Website
Getting Started
Important Reminders & Application Checklist
Application Sections:
1: About the Application – Table of Contents and Deadlines
2: About the Application – How to Apply
3: Personal Information – Biographical Information
4: Personal Information – Certify Your Eligibility
5: Personal Information – International Experience
6: Personal Information – Activities, Awards, and Interests
7: Personal Information – Photos (Upload)
8: Personal Information – Statistical Information
9: Recommendation Requests – Teacher Recommendation
10: Recommendation Requests – Parent/Legal Guardian Statement
11: Placement Information – Program Preferences
12: Placement Information – Placement Information
13: Placement Information – Medical Information
14: Self Introduction to Host Family and Language Instructors
15: Essays
16: Language Experience – Knowledge of Languages
17: Language Experience – Self Assessment of NSLI-Y Languages
18: Documents to American Councils
19: Review and Submit
Using the Online Application Website
1. Using one of the following web browsers is recommended: Firefox 3 or higher
(preferred), Chrome 16 or higher, Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Safari 3.1 or higher.
2. Add ais_accounts@americancouncils.org and ais_accounts@xmsi.com to your e-mail’s safe sender list to help prevent messages from being blocked as spam or junk mail. (This is particularly important for Yahoo, K12, and AOL email users.)
3. Unless otherwise noted, all times displayed on the application site are U.S. Eastern
4. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. You will not be able to submit your application if any required field has not been completed.
5. You can proceed through the sections using the “Next” button at the top of the page.
You can also use the dropdown menu at the top of the page to select a section. After selecting a section, press the “Go” button.
6. NSLI-Y recommends saving your work often using the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of each page, as the Online Application website will time out after periods of inactivity and any unsaved changes will be lost. Saving changes periodically will also protect you from losing work due to loss of Internet connection, accidental computer shut down, etc.
7. It is not necessary to complete your application in one sitting or session. To continue later, press the “Save Changes” button that can be found at the bottom of each page, and then log out of the system. You can log in again at any time until the application deadline, and continue to complete or edit your application. When you sign into the website in the future, the application you started will be found under “My Forms,” and you will click “Edit” and choose the application section to continue where you left off.
Getting Started
1. Proceed to the Online Application website: https://ais.americancouncils.org/nsliy.
2. In the “Create Your Account” section, provide the requested registration information to make your new account. Provide your legal first and last name. Click the ‘Create new account’ button to finish. Note your username and password in a safe place so you can log-in again later.
3. Check your email inbox for a verification email from ais_accounts@americancouncils.org or ais_accounts@xmsi.com. (If you did not add these emails to your email’s safe sender list, the verification email may be directed to your spam or junk mail folder.) Click the verification link, which will authorize your account and automatically sign you in.
4. From “Available Forms,” select “NSLI-Y Application for High School Students in the U.S.” by clicking the “Start” link.
Section 1, Section 2: About the Application
Review Section 1 to learn about the online application overview and the 2014-2015 NSLI-Y
Application deadlines. Click “Next” at the top of the page to proceed to Section 2.
Review Section 2 to learn about the 2014-2015 NSLI-Y Application checklist and tips on how to navigate the online application.
Section 3: Personal Information – Biographical Information
Questions 1 – 5: Enter your complete legal first and last name, sex, birth date, and place of birth. Provide your date of birth in the following format: MMM, dd, YYYY (example - Sep 30,
1996). If applicable, provide your preferred nickname or name that you are commonly called in
Question 2.
Question 6: Indicate if you have a valid U.S. passport.
Note: Although a valid U.S. passport is not required at the time of application, all NSLI-Y semifinalists should be prepared to submit passport information by late February 2014. NSLI-Y finalists will be expected to have a valid passport for at least six months after their anticipated program end date. (If you are selected to go to Russia, your passport must be valid for 18 months after your anticipated return to the U.S., and if you are selected to go to India or China, your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may also be required to have a valid passport(s).)
Question 7: If applicable, indicate dual citizenship that you have for any country other than the
Question 8 – 9: In Question 8, provide your full mailing address – the address where your mail should be sent. If your physical address is different from your mailing address, provide your full physical address in Question 9.
Question 10: Indicate your home and mobile telephone numbers. If you wish to provide an additional phone number, do so in the field labeled “Other Telephone.” If you do not have a
4 home telephone (landline), please provide your mobile telephone number for both the home and mobile telephone number fields.
Question 11 – 12: Provide your primary and secondary email addresses. NSLI-Y requires that applicants provide two email addresses. You may provide an email address of a parent/legal guardian for the secondary email address if you only have one email address.
Note: E-mail is the main mode of contact for communications that you will receive from NSLI-Y
Administration. Please provide the e-mail address you will check most frequently as your primary e-mail address.
Question 13 – 14: If applicable, provide information for your personal web site and/or personal blog site.
Question 15: Provide information about your current grade level.
Question 16: Provide the date which you anticipate graduating from high school in the following format: MMM YYYY (example – Jun 2013).
Question 17-20: Provide the name, mailing address, contact information, and website for your high school.
Note: If you are home-schooled, please enter the following:
• For the School Name field, enter "Home School"
• For the school address and telephone fields, enter your home address and telephone
• For Web Site field, enter the web site address of your local school district or "None"
Question 21: Provide background and contact information about each parent(s)/legal guardian(s). Provide all relevant phone numbers. To add an additional parent/legal guardian, press the “Add More” button. To delete a parent/legal guardian, click the “Delete” link.
Question 22: If applicable, provide information about each of your siblings. Please give information regarding any other exchange programs for which your siblings are applying this year, if relevant. To add an additional sibling, press the “Add More” button. To delete a sibling, click the “Delete” link.
Question 23: Provide information for at least one (1) adult who does not live with you who will serve as your alternate emergency contact person. If your alternate emergency contact does not have a home telephone (landline), please provide the mobile telephone number for both
5 the home and mobile telephone number fields. To add an additional alternate emergency contact, press the “Add More” button. To delete an alternate emergency contact, click the
“Delete” link.
Section 4: Personal Information – Certify Your Eligibility
Review the eligibility requirements of the 2014-2015 NSLI-Y Program. To certify that you meet the requirements, choose “Yes” for each requirement and type your full name in the field labeled “Certified by,” which will serve as your electronic signature.
Section 5: Personal Information – International Experience
Question 1: Indicate if you have previously participated in a NSLI-Y program. If so, provide the information requested regarding your past experience.
Note: Please be advised that if you previously traveled on a summer NSLI-Y program, you are only eligible to apply for an academic year NSLI-Y program. No student is eligible for a third
NSLI-Y scholarship.
Question 2: Indicate whether you have previously participated in any other international exchange program(s). If so, provide the information requested regarding your past experience(s). To add details for an additional program, press the “Add More” button. To delete details for a program, click the “Delete” link.
Note: This year, past participants of overseas short-duration Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs, Department of State sponsored exchange programs (eight weeks or less) are eligible to apply for a NSLI-Y academic year program. For more information, refer to the U.S. Department of State Eligibility Policy for American Outbound Youth Programs or contact NSLI-Y
Question 3 – 4: Indicate if you have other experience traveling/living abroad and if you have relatives or close friends who live abroad. If so, provide a brief explanation in the corresponding fields. Section 6: Personal Information – Activities, Awards, and Interests
Questions 1 – 4: List any activities you have participated in or are currently participating in with frequency, creative work or hobbies you have pursued to the point of some mastery, paid work you have done, and awards you have received. Be descriptive but brief: e.g., “Speech & Debate
Club - Secretary”, etc. Estimate the hours spent per month and the beginning and end dates, if applicable. To add additional fields, press the “Add More” button. To delete additional fields, click the “Delete” link.
Section 7: Personal Information – Photos (Upload)
Upload the requested pictures by pressing the “Select File” button. In the dialog box that appears, browse your computer and select the image file you want. Press “Open” to upload the photo into the application system. Please provide brief descriptive captions and identify yourself in each photo. If you have trouble uploading, make sure you are following the listed size and resolution restrictions.
Note: Any photo deemed inappropriate by NSLI-Y, in its sole discretion, may be removed.
Uploaded photos will NOT be taken into consideration in the selection process, but will be shared with host families.
Section 8: Personal Information – Statistical Information
If you choose, you may provide NSLI-Y with the information requested in this section, which will be used only for statistical analysis of the NSLI-Y program. Providing this information is voluntary. This information will NOT be taken into consideration during the selection process.
Section 9: Recommendation Requests – Teacher Recommendation
You may ask any academic instructor or counselor who can attest to your readiness to be an exchange student to write your Teacher Recommendation. It is a good idea to ask an individual with whom you have taken a class or worked with within the last two years.
For home-schooled students, the Teacher Recommendation must be completed by an adult who is not related to the student. Possible individuals may include, but are not limited to, scout leaders, coaches, clergy members, volunteer coordinators, and instructors.
As soon as you decide to apply for NSLI-Y, you should talk to your potential recommender to
7 ask if he or she is willing to provide you with this recommendation. If he or she agrees, give them the Teacher Recommender Instructions. You can download this document by pressing the
“Download” link in the right-most column of the table. Additionally, you can find an informational document for the Teacher Recommendation at http://www.nsliforyouth.org/how-to-apply/. To send your request to your teacher:
• Provide his or her contact information in the corresponding fields
• Press the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page
• Press “Request Recommendation” to send your request to your teacher. (This button will appear after you press “Save Changes.”)
Your teacher must complete and submit the Online Teacher Recommendation by November 19,
2013 at 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time.
Make sure to confirm with your teacher that he or she received the email message and can access the form. If your teacher does not receive the email message, first suggest he or she check the spam or junk mail box. Note that K12 email addresses often have strong spam filters.
If he or she still cannot find it, only then come back to this page and press the "Request
Recommendation Again" button again, to send another message.
Be careful! If you change your teacher's name or email address after sending the notification message, it will cancel your previous request and disable his/her secure link to the online form.
It will also erase any online recommendation form that was already in progress or had already been submitted. An erased recommendation form cannot be retrieved. Consider this before changing the contact information.
Section 10: Recommendation Requests – Parent/Legal Guardian Statement
Talk to one parent or legal guardian to ask if he or she is willing to provide you with this statement in support of your NSLI-Y application. If he or she agrees, give them the Parent/Legal
Guardian Instructions. You can download this document by pressing the “Download” link in the right-most column of the table. Additionally, you can find an informational document for the
Parent/Legal Guardian Statement at http://www.nsliforyouth.org/how-to-apply/.
To send your request to your parent/legal guardian:
• Provide his or her contact information in the corresponding fields
Press the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page
Press “Request Recommendation” to send your request to your parent/legal guardian.
(This button will appear after you press “Save Changes.”)
Your parent/legal guardian must complete and submit the Online Parent/Legal Guardian
Statement by November 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time.
If your parent/legal guardian does not speak English, you may provide a written translation of his /her statement. Past applicants have asked older siblings or other relatives to provide this translation. If your parent or legal guardian submits a translated statement, ensure it is noted in the statement.
Confirm with your parent/legal guardian that he or she received the email message and can access the form. If your parent/legal guardian does not receive the email message, first suggest he or she check the spam or junk mail box. If he or she still cannot find it, only then return to this page and press the "Request Recommendation Again" button again, to send another message.
Please note: Parents/guardians and teachers can check their statements and recommendations after submitting and make changes, if necessary, until the final deadline of November 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time.
Be careful! If you change your parent or legal guardian's name or email address after sending the notification message, it will cancel your previous request and disable his/her secure link to the online form. It will also erase any online recommendation form that was already in progress or had already been submitted. An erased recommendation form cannot be retrieved. Consider this before changing the contact information.
Section 11: Placement Information – Program Preferences
Questions 1 – 4: Indicate your preferred language and program duration choices. At least one preference is required, but you may indicate up to three preferences. You may indicate the same language in two of your preferences with different durations. Review the eligibility grid and ensure that your birth date falls within the eligible date range for the program(s) you have chosen. Provide a brief explanation (250 words or less) of your choice(s).
Question 5: Indicate whether you have applied or plan to apply to any other exchange programs sponsored by the U.S. government this year.
Section 12: Placement Information – Placement Information
Note: This information will NOT be taken into consideration in the selection process. If you are selected as a finalist, your responses will be used for school and host family placement, as appropriate; therefore, it is crucial that you provide the most detailed explanations you can.
Questions 1 – 2: Indicate any physical restrictions, health conditions, and/or disabilities
(physical, sensory, learning, etc.) and explain in the fields that follow, if applicable, in 150 words or less.
Question 3: Indicate any pets/animals that you cannot live with. If you have no pet/animal restrictions, check the last box only. If you checked “Other Pets/Animals,” please list in the corresponding fields.
Question 4 – 5: Indicate if you have any dietary restrictions. If so, please describe your dietary restriction(s) in as much detail as possible, including whether it is for medical, religious, or selfimposed reasons, in 50 words or less. If you are vegetarian, please answer Question 5 and explain in the field that follows in 50 words or less. If you are not vegetarian, skip Question 5.
Question 6 – 8: Indicate your religious affiliation, if applicable, and answer the questions describing your participation in religious services.
Question 9: If you are a smoker, please indicate so in Question 9 and declare your intentions by answering the question that follows. If you are not a smoker, skip this question.
Read the disclaimer regarding accommodation of restrictions. When you acknowledge that you have read and understood the disclaimer, choose “Yes” and type your full name, which will serve as your electronic signature.
Section 13: Placement Information – Medical Information
Questions 1 – 5: Provide responses to the requested health questions. If you answered “Yes” to any question, please provide a detailed explanation in the fields that follow. NSLI-Y requests as much information as possible regarding a candidate’s health status in order to determine the best possible placement options. This information will NOT be taken into consideration in the selection process.
Question 6: Read the certification statement. To acknowledge your certification, select “Yes” and type your full name, which will serve as your electronic signature.
Section 14: Self Introduction to Host Family and Language Instructors
Write a letter to your prospective host family and school. Please incorporate responses to all of the required questions in the body of your letter to communicate who you are and your motivation for going abroad with NSLI-Y.
Your letter must not exceed 500 words and must be written in English. Any minimum and maximum word counts specified in the instructions will be as indicated by the word counter tool used in the Online Application form. To check your word count within the application, you can copy/paste your letter into the field and press the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page, which will update your word count.
Because the Online Application website may time out after periods of inactivity, NSLI-Y recommends that you prepare and save this host family letter in a separate word processing program, like Microsoft Word, so you do not lose any written work.
Section 15: Essays
First Essay: In 250 words or less, list and explain three (3) reasons why you want to participate in NSLI-Y.
Second Essay: In 250 words or less, respond to one of the three topics. Indicate which topic you have chosen by selecting A, B, or C.
Your essays must be written in English. Any minimum and maximum word counts specified in the instructions will be as indicated by the word counter tool used in the Online Application form. To check your word count within the application, you can copy/paste your essay into the field and press the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page, which will update your word count.
Because the Online Application website may time out after periods of inactivity, NSLI-Y recommends that you prepare and save your essays in a separate word processing program, like Microsoft Word, so you do not lose any written work.
Section 16: Language Experience
Question 1: Indicate the language you consider to be your native language. In other words, indicate your first language.
Question 2: Indicate the language(s) spoken in your home.
Question 3-4: If applicable, provide requested information on your proficiency levels and previous study of all of the languages you know, EXCEPT English. To add an additional language, press the “Add More” button. If applicable, provide any relevant information about your foreign language experience in the text box.
Question 5: If applicable, provide information on the STARTALK program(s) you have attended.
For the location field, provide the school or university name, city and state (example:
Midwestern University, – Bloomington, OH). To add an additional STARTALK program, press the
“Add More” button.
Section 17: Language Experience: Self- Assessment of NSLI-Y Languages
Only complete this section if you already study or speak a NSLI-Y language (Arabic, Chinese
(Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajiki), Russian, and Turkish). Respond to statements about your ability to use and understand the language. Please be honest and accurate about your proficiency because it is used for placement purposes, if you are selected as a finalist. To add an additional language, press the “Add More” button. If you do not know any NSLI-Y languages, skip to the next page.
Section 18: Documents to Mail to American Councils for International Education
Note: All documents must be mailed and postmarked by November 19, 2013.
Participant Agreement – Terms and Conditions
Print the PDF document, available by clicking ‘Terms and Conditions’ in the ‘Document’ column on the left. Applicants and parents/legal guardians must all review, complete, and sign the agreement. Mail the original signature page ONLY to NSLI-Y (you do not need to send the other pages of the agreement).
To mail: Mail the original signature page ONLY to NSLI-Y (post-marked no later than November
19, 2013)
ATTN: NSLI-Y File Processing (#1100-TC)
American Councils for International Education
1828 L St. NW, Ste. 1200
Washington DC 20036-5136
Official School Grade Transcript
Submit a transcript request to your school registrar as soon as possible. Print the PDF document, available by clicking ‘Grade Transcript Request’ in the ‘Document’ column on the left. Home School Transcript Form
The transcript should include all semesters you have completed in high school thus far. The transcripts should also include the courses you are currently enrolled in if possible.
If you are home-schooled, have your home school instructor complete and submit the NSLI-Y
Home School Transcript Form. Download and print the PDF document, available by clicking
‘Home School Transcript Form’ in the ‘Document’ column on the left.
9th Grade Transcript and Classes List Request
If you are a 9th grade student, you must provide an official grade transcript from your junior high/middle school AND a list of classes you are currently enrolled in at high school. Download and print the PDF document, available by clicking ‘9th Grade Transcript and Classes List Request’ in the ‘Document’ column on the left.
All transcript items should be mailed by the registrar directly to American Councils in a sealed and unopened envelope no later than November 19, 2013 (postmarked), to the address below:
ATTN: NSLI-Y File Processing (#1100-G)
American Councils for International Education
1828 L St. NW, Ste 1200
Washington DC 20036-5136
Section 19: Review and Submit
Before you submit your application:
• Review all sections. Make sure you have answered all the questions and required fields.
• Download any documents that must be submitted separately by mail (for example, transcript request forms).
If you have left any required questions unanswered, you will receive an error message after your press the "Submit Your Application" button and your application will not be accepted.
Review your application again, enter any missing information, and then attempt to re-submit your application.
Once you submit your application, you will no longer be able to make any changes. You will be able, however, to continue to view your application online via this system with your existing login. If you are ready to submit your application, read the certification statement and indicate that you have understood the statement by clicking “Yes.” Certify your acknowledgement by typing your name, which will serve as your electronic signature. To submit your application for evaluation, press the "Submit Your Application" button. You will receive an auto-generated email from ais_accounts@americancouncils.org if your application has successfully been submitted. Important Reminders:
The deadline for the Online Application is November 5, 2013, at 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern
Any technical problems with the application form should be reported by email to nsliy@americancouncils.org. NSLI-Y strongly encourages that applicants ask any questions and submit their applications well in advance of the application deadline.
NSLI-Y and American Councils for International Education bears no responsibility for data transmission problems in submitting the application.
Application Checklist:
Complete and submit the Online Application by November 5, 2013, at 7:00 P.M. U.S.
Eastern Time.
Have one (1) parent/legal guardian complete the Online Parent Statement by November
19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time.
Have one (1) teacher recommender complete the Online Teacher Recommendation by
November 19, 2013, 7:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time.
Submit the completed signature page of the Participant Agreement – Terms &
Conditions Form, by mailing it to the address below by November 19, 2013
(postmarked). (Note: Participant Agreement – Terms and Conditions form must be signed by hand. Digital signatures will not be accepted).
If enrolled in an academic institution, ask your school registrar to mail in your grade transcript to the address below by November 19, 2013(postmarked). Transcripts must include completed courses, grades, and GPA. Transcripts must be mailed directly to
American Councils in a sealed and unopened envelope.
If a home-schooled applicant, mail your home school transcript form by November 19,
2013 (postmarked).
If currently enrolled as a 9th grader, mail an official School Grade Transcript from your junior high/middle school AND a list of current classes enrolled in at high school by
November 19, 2013 (postmarked). Both must be mailed by the registrar to American
Councils in a sealed and unopened envelope.
ATTN: NSLI-Y File Processing (#1100-G)
American Councils for International Education
1828 L St. NW, Ste 1200
Washington DC 20036-5136
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