The reason why filing folders and getting folders is significant for me now and the future is because when I am in an actual real job as a hygienist I would know what to do with the folders when there’s not anyone else around.
It is easy on my future boss because he/she won’t need to train me on doing this because I already have experience on doing them in my co-op placement. I believe that when I see the assistant right down the dentist saying about the patient, helped me have knowledge of certain types of concerns in your oral health, and the changes that has to be done or should be done. I learned a lot of things that goes in the folders such as x-rays, oral exams etc. This gave me an understanding of what a folder contains and it would help me in the near
The skills I got from this task was organization, management skills, remembering information, and responsibility. The reason I chose these skills is because I know where they are supposed to go, took my time putting it away. I don’t want to rush and make a mistake and take responsibility. The things I see in the folders are all confidential I should also respect the clients and not say a word outside of my placement and also in the placement. This is why I believe in my task list, filing folder is an important evidence that should be useful to you now and the future.