a. In order to improve the process in dealing with this specific incident changes must be made to implement a new process in order to better deal with these situations in the future. The first step would be to develop a team that is specifically trained to handle these emergent situations. Each member should have a specific role designated to them to know their specific tasks that should be handled during the emergency response. Once the team is developed, special training should be given to better educate the team members in dealing with these patients. Once each member is confident in their training and knowing their role, the team will be ready and prepared to handle any future situations.
b. To organize a team that would be the first responders for all emergent situations, the team would include a leader, facilitator, recorder, time keeper, and team members. The leaders would be the primary RN and primary physician on the given case. The facilitator of this team would be the ICU nurse. The recorder and time keeper would be the same person being one of the unit staff members, not necessarily a RN but could be the charge nurse or resource nurse. The team member included could be the respiratory therapist who could help assists with necessary task if not preoccupied with a respiratory distress patient. In addition to these team members, I would include a security officer to be present and on standby for these patients that are combative and a possible threat to themselves or others. In this specific case the security team could have helped assist with the patient leaving the scene.
c. Unfortunately, the staff is currently uneducated on how to deal with these types of patients and incidences. This is causing them to have negative attitudes towards the patient’s only further accelerating the behavior of the patients. The staff does not know the correct steps to take in order to diffuse the situation. By not knowing what to do, there is too