Nursing Philosophy. My values, beliefs, interaction with patients and families, my
Clinical experience, and my education are all integrated into how I care for patients and
families. When I was searching for a career path, I had a mentor that recommended
registered nursing over dental hygiene. He saw something in me that I didn’t. It was
My drive to give, teach and provide quality care. At that time I was pursuing a career as
a dental hygienist and the entrance to the programs were all entry was based on a lottery
system. I was at a cross road, I had applied to the dental hygiene program three times. I
wanted to move on with my education and needed direction. I am so thankful
that I am in the profession of nursing. I am most fulfilled when I am serving and caring
for others. To me nursing is about caring and giving. It is an instinct engrained in me
from my family and life experiences. My mentor was Allan Ringard D.D.S., He sent me
to a Dental Boot Kamp that enhanced our team communication and patient relationships.
This experience empowered me. It gave me tools that I utilize personally and
professionally. This Boot Kamp was life changing it was something you applied to
yourself and in turn created a happier work environment, which lead to better patient
care. In turn this ultimately improved our patient outcomes.
Nursing is more than treating an illness. It is giving Quality patient care that is
individualized to each patient. Nursing is not just a degree or license. It is an individual
that is compassionate and caring. My nursing philosophy is a discipline of
knowledge acquired both through formal education and through life experiences. The
conceptual models and theories of nursing represent various paradigms derived from the
metaparadigm of the discipline of nursing (Masters, 2014, p. 48). The metaparadigm of