Lab, Week # 3
<Include purpose of lab experiment>
<brief summary of topic investigating and case studies >
<state major finding>
< Include information that the reader would need to repeat your experimental procedure. Do not include any observations or results in this section>
Observations and Results
Part I: Bacterial Growth
Result + or -
Appearance after Incubation
Gram Stain
OF Glucose Broth
OF Glucose Broth with Oil
Indole Production Test
Bacterium identified as:
Assigned bacterium was:
Discussion & Conclusion
Based upon your results, is your bacteria sample a strict aerobe, strict anaerobe, facultative anaerobe, or microaerophile? …show more content…
What is responsible for the color change observed in a positive test? –You can read more about this test in the Test Media Reference in VUMIE2012. Click the M? button.
Did the bacteria grow in the tryptone or malonate media? Why or why not? – Remember, you can tell if they grew if culture was turbid (cloudy).
For the media used in this portion of the experiment, are the media complex or synthetic? Are the media selective, differential, both, or neither? Identify the carbon and nitrogen source for each medium. – Read more about what these terms mean starting on page 178 in your book right below Figure 6.11. Look up each media with the M? button. Remember, nutrient broth is a complex media, mineral salts is a defined media.
How many possible bacteria were remaining after conducting these biochemical tests?
Using the information in the Identification matrix, what additional tests might help you to identify the bacteria in your case study? –Look at the View Identification Matrix under the View menu. What tests would you perform? Look for ones that have a mix of + and – because they would help distinguish between