The Advantages are:
1. Good quality products are created
2. Customer satisfaction is high
Product improvement
Customer satisfaction efficiency savings financial savings improved company performance improved KPIs reduced customer complaints reduced wasted/scrap reduced error increased accuracy
People do not like change so dislike change management
People have to meet compliance levels demands on partner/suppliers to achieve like for like efficiencies are disliked
Nowhere to hide for people not meeting set standards poor management are highlighted very quickly 10.
The Disadvantages are:
1. It involves people and money
2. Sometimes quality control is not 100% efficient 11. Quality Circle Training
Ishikawa emphasized the importance of training quality circle participants in problem solving and failure analysis, and providing QC participants the appropriate quality assurance tools to solve problems. In actuality, employees may not receive formal problem-solving training, such as the conduct of brainstorming sessions or technical training appropriate to the problem at hand. In addition, personnel