“By observation, we mean closely watch, listen to and generally attend to what a child is doing, and record your findings as accurately and objective as possible”.
Reasons why observations are so important:
To ensure normative development
To know where children are in terms of Holistic development
To plan developmental appropriate activities.
To have a record of children’s progress in case of be required for the stakeholders (parents or other professionals)
Through observations we can know children’s developmental progress and identify children with special needs.
Factors that need to be taken under consideration when we carry out child observations (principles of good practice):
Confidentiality: all information obtained in the observation must be treated with the strictest confidence (rights of the child and their family). Therefore:
Ask for and get permission to carry out the observation from the parents or the workplace supervisor. Signature at the end of the observation is required.
Never record the child’s name or the name of the childcare facility. Use codes to name the child (TC= Target child) or describe the childcare setting in general terms.
Should not share this information outside the workplace setting.
Accurate description: Record what is directly observable, not our own assumptions
Example: TC appears to be very angry instead of TC is very angry.
Objectivity: Observer must not be influenced for previous knowledge of the child, own emotional response to the child or interpretive things in a biased way (discriminatory).
Children’s wishes and feelings: If the observation causes distress or discomfort to the child, you should stop. If a child ask you what are you doing, explain that you are watching her doing for example playing, you are very interested in what she is doing. Show what you are writing down if the child shows interest. Stop the observation and intervene if a child
References: Books: Flood, E.(2010).Child Development for Students in Ireland. Dublin.Gill & Macmillan. Meggitt, C, Kamen, T, Bruce, T., Grenier, J. (2011).Children and young people´s Workforce.Oxon, Hodder Education an Hachette UK company. Website: Observation and Assessment, part “Special needs and early years”. http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/9656_022816Ch5.pdf