Age of child:four years old
Room: preschool 2
Ratio of caregivers to children: 6:1
Observations of the child’s physical development:The child I observed had a high gross motor movement ability level. He was very energetic by constantly running around,jumping and dancing. He also had a high fine motor ability level. He enjoyed picking out books and turning through the pages of each picture book. During the age of 4 to 5 children develop a greater independence, self-control, and creativity. The physical abilities of this child was above the range of typical physical development. He enjoyed moving around and being on his feet. This child didn’t have any physical limitations. He enjoyed doing physical activity.
Observations of child’s cognitive development …show more content…
He would say please whenever he wanted a book. He would say thank you whenever he was served food. The staff had responded to him in a positive way. The Piaget stage that I would classify this child in would be the preoperational stage. I believe the child would be in the preoperational stage because he had been very vocal. He had used words to represent objects. He understood object permanence. When a book would be hidden behind a staff member, he knew it was still there.
~The Erikson's stage this child would be classified in is known as initiative vs guilt which resolution is purpose. He displayed initiative by getting a book from the book rack himself. His temperament would be under easy.children in this category are calm and look at new experiences in a positive way. This child engaged in associative play. He liked to be surrounded by others. This play was not working towards a specific