Darren’s needed accommodations include one-on-one support with an individual for core classroom subjects, along with the development of reading, and writing skills. Moreover, Darren needs graphic organizers, and the …show more content…
In these meetings, Darren builds his understanding and ability to verbally express why he has a need for his accommodations and services. His occupational therapy sessions are also used to develop organization skills; which is when he fills out his planner and cleans out his binder. Darren’s parents do not know if he will meet the requirements for social security, or adult services. Information needs to be provide for his parents regarding how to file for adult services, and which agencies to contact either by the school, or by his IEP team. Additionally, Darren will need to sign up for selective services at the age of eighteen and again before the age of twenty-five. It seems as though this was information that he was not aware of. Darren and his family should be provided with details on how he will need to apply and what process he will need to go through; which should also include a practice copy of the application for Darren to gain a better understanding. It does not seems as though Darren or his family were aware of the transfer of rights once he becomes a legal