The responsibilities of students include
a. Students are expected to follow the company rules, regulations and guidelines. They are expected to respect the brand service and brand values of the company.
b. Students should follow the prepared programme of work with appropriate intervals in consultation with the CRITH Office and ensuring that any deviation from the allotted programme / schedule is reported without delay to the immediate supervisor or to Institute Director.
c. Discuss with the Institute the type of guidance and comment they find most helpful and agreeing a schedule of meetings for their lecture prior to endorsement to another department.
d. Taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however basic they may seem during class lecture hours.
e. Maintaining the progress of the work as agreed with the immediate supervisors before proceeding to the next department.
f. Completing the required training hours as indicated in the schools endorsement.
My success couldn’t turn into reality without this following person who with all their help to me in different ways. Above all, to our Almighty God for all His unending blessings and guidance He showered upon me for the past, for today, and for the future.
Most especially to my beloved parents whom with all their best faces, the hardship of working hard just for me to educate, this example of my success is a great chance that I will step the victory of my life. We should keep up the good work and thereafter when I should be pursuing my respective endeavor profession and occupation in the year ahead.To all my co-trainees for they became my inspirations in order to strive and pursue with my training.Despite of the many efforts, trials and hardships exerted during my training, I would like to dedicate all my accomplishments and success to our Almighty God for His many blessings showered upon me , to my loving parents for their moral and financial supports.
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