OM 3010
The Importance of Operations Management What is Operations Management? Operations Management is a very important role in any business, company, and corporation. It creates goods and services that can be sold to make profit ( There are many resources that involve the process of Operations such as employees, facilities, inventory, and time. Operations Management is important because it helps make profit if the resources are used properly. Operations Management explores the way organizations produce and distribute goods and services. It focuses on organizing a process of what they are working on or distributing. Adding on to Operations Management, Operations Managers play a huge role in the management process. The whole Operations Management process is run by the Operations Managers. An Operations Manager manages the production of goods and services. They focus on making sure the organization is running effectively and that the goods and services they produce satisfy the clients’ needs ( Operations Managers have to monitor processes and analyze if everything is working smoothly. They have to create strategies to improve the productivity and deal with employees. Most Importantly Operations Managers are responsible for critical activities such as managing materials, capacity planning, purchasing, scheduling, and mainly quality management. Forecasting is another important role an Operations Manager has to take care of. It helps develop plans and reduce problems in the future. Managers always want to match supply with demand, in order to do that it is important for them to forecast how much space they need for supply to each demand. Elements of good forecasting includes time, accuracy, reliability, meaningful units meaning how many dollars will be needed for the production planning, the forecasting should be in writing, and last it should be simple to understand and use (http://highered.mcgraw-hill.comChapter 3). There
Cited: Wiki Spaces. “Strategy and Productivity”, 2014
Investopedia. “ Definition of Operations Management”,
Small Business, “ The role of an Operations Manager” Karen Farnen,, 2014
McGraw Hill, “ Forecasting”, 2012