Computer is a programmable machine that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. Computer has become an important tool for keeping databases, filing system, track records. Web technology becomes more productive in our society.
- To more organize transaction for clients This transaction is for the buyer’s contacts that are gives easier process to communicate with a company.
-To develop a transaction that will lessen the time consume of the transaction process.
This transaction will minimize the time transaction. Reduce time for delivering the products.
-To develop a well-organize of a company.
This Security will help to secure the records of the expenses and the profits of the company or information that may not include to a public field. Only the admin can access the system.
The Company
The company will be benefited a lot to this project because they able to provide a better services to their clients.
The Sellers/Clients
This system will help the sellers to catch out their right orders on time.