The following is partially extracted from GC33-0754-00.
1. Overview
An application is a particular use to which a data processing system is put, for example, a payroll application or an order entry application. Commercial applications typically process many similar items, for example, an order in an order processing system, a seat reservation in an airline booking system, or a credit query in a credit control system. The processing of one of these items is a business transaction. This leads to the definition of a transaction as a discrete unit of processing that corresponds to a business transaction and constitutes a logical entity within an application.
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications are client/server applications that give online users direct access to information. The OLTP applications process units of work, called transactions. A single transaction might request a bank balance; another might update that balance to reflect a deposit. In a transaction processing system, one execution of an application program processes a single transaction. End users have online access to the system and to enterprise data, and directly initiate transactions. In a transaction processing environment, many users repeatedly process similar transactions, and require a fast response to each transaction. Examples of such users are order entry clerks, airline reservation clerks, or bank tellers. They share an environment of programs and data.
In a typical transaction processing system:
Many end users run the same or similar transactions, sharing the same databases and files
The system can schedule transactions on the basis of priority attributes
The transactions are invoked by online input and generate online output
The transactions are designed for a good user interface and fast response times.
Transaction processing is an effective solution when end users want to:
• Process unscheduled single items in unpredictable