No one has the right to kill someone except god and by that we mean naturally, when you’re supposed to die but where does it stop being Gods responsibility and start becoming other people’s actions?
If we think of the people who would agree with this kind of statement, it would obviously be strong religious people. Christians follow the Sanctity of life and this states life is god given meaning only god should be able to control who lives and who dies. It states how killing is murder and that life is a sacred gift from god and therefore only he has the right to take it back.
Roman Catholics believe that if only god has the right to take life, this means that abortion is sinful and should not be allowed. Only god has the right to end a pregnancy and humans should not be given this power. They also believe abortion is wrong because they believe life starts at conception and therefore aborting a pregnancy however early it is is murder in the same way killing a new born baby which everyone would agree is inhumane. Following on from this, Catholics feel that you are destroying god’s image and that is a sin. Also every human has the right to live and why is it fair to deprive humans of the remarkable opportunity of life?
Regardless of what most people assume, Christians have slightly different views on topics, both believe abortion is evil but feel that it is sometimes the lesser of two evils and in all circumstances the should do the most loving thing, and if abortion is the most loving to do. So in cases such as rape, where it is not fair for the mother to live with an unwanted child, or for that child knowing it was the result of a sickening act. Or whether the birth will cause harm to the mother or child, putting either of them in risk