There are 3 types of adoption one type is called Open adoption. In this type of adoption the birth parents and the adoptive family have personal interactions with one another. This simply means that in this type of adoption the identities of everyone involved is shared with each other. They can send letters, e-mails, talk on the phone with one another, or visit each other. There are several types of advantages of an open adoption. Some advantages to the birth parents are that they may have less guilt, a sense of control, and a relationship with the child and the adoptive family. Some advantages for the adoptive family are that they are medically informed, meaning that they have a resource (the birth parents) to turn to in there …show more content…
seems to be problems in the adoptive child’s development. They also have a relationship with the birth parents. Now the adopted child has advantages as well. They have a relationship with there birth parents and there adoptive family. They also have protection against a sense of abandonment. This simply means that they have the opportunity to communicate with his/her birth parents to better understand there reasons for putting them up for adoption. Another type of adoption is called a Close Adoption.
In this type of adoption there is no interaction of any kind between the birth parents and the adoptive family. There are advantages for everyone involved. The advantages for the birth parents are that they have privacy, less responsibilities, and a sense of closure. Now the advantages for the adoptive family is they have family freedom. This means that they are free of the birth parents and can live like a normal family. The third and final type of adoption is called a Semi-Open Adoption. In this type of adoption the birth parents have no type of interactions with the adoptive family. The identity of everyone involved is kept from one another. The advantages of everyone involved is the same as the advantages in an open adoption. As I have read and asked my best friend who was adopted I have found out how an adopted child feels about being adopted. My friend told me that it was never a big deal to her to find out that she was adapted. She says that she’s grateful her parents told her the truth, because she couldn’t imagine the pain and betrayal of finding out much later. Now some of the adoptive parents feel that its better to let their child know that they were adopted, so they won’t resent them for not telling them. Other parents feel its best to not let them know so that they won’t wonder why their birth parents gave them up for adoption in the first
place. People choose to adopt children for many reasons. Two reasons are that they can’t have children of their own, or that they just would like to have another child to take care of because the just love children that much. In adoption there can be several problems like child abuse, and rape. I really don’t understand why people would adopt children and treat them like that. People that would do things like that to children don’t deserve to have any children of their own or adopted any. Society is cruel place and some of the people in it are to. I fell that if you have a baby it’s your responsibility to take care of that baby. Now if you really feel as though you can’t take care of your child then you should give it up for adoption, but only if your sure that you can‘t provide for that babies needs.