Enhance the customer services has been widely discussed and a wealth of concepts is at hand . Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an extension of it . “Excellent customer service is the process by which your organization delivers its services or products in a way that allows the customer to access them in the most efficient , fair , cost effective and humanly satisfying and pleasurable manner possible .” (Vermeulen 2003) A company’s the most important asset is its customers . Without them , we would not and could not exist in business . When you satisfy our customers , they not only help us grow by continuing to do business with you . It is really essential for every company . In YRC Worldwide website , it provides good delivery , customer services and shipment services . By understanding YRC Worldwide website various online tools , we can know how to deliver and shipment . There are three value propositions include delivery , speed and flexibility . Then high quality and less cost are way to the enhance the customer services . On the other hand , suppliers diversity policy also can enhance the customer services . These are really important for how the various tools would help to enhance the services that YRC provides to its customers .
How the various tools help to enhance the customer services ?
Enhance customer service is a way to get customers to continue doing business with your company . Furthermore , to enhance customer service will improve company’s chance of attracting and to keep new customers . To enhance customer service means the company doing business is effective and customer can enjoy better service. In YRC Worldwide , it know how to enhance the customer services and control the customer because YRC Worldwide has a lot of good advantages and propositions . Also , the various online tools have different function . These are seemed important .
First of all , there are three value propositions
References: 1. P.A.M. Vermeulen, “Organizing Successful New Service Development,” Management Decision , (2003). pp. 832-835. 2. B. Edvardsson and J. Olsson, “Key Concepts for New Service Development,” Service Industries Journal, (1996). pp. 134-137. 3. G.L. Shostack, “Designing Services That Deliver,” Harvard Business Review, 62 (January-February 1985), pp.122-129 . 4. Cited http://www.yrcw.com/about/vendors.shtml 09 March 2011. 5. Ballou, Ronald H . Business Logistics Management . 4th edition , NJ : Prentice Hall , (2004) .