This is the famous maxim by P.B Shelly has a deep meaning underlying it. As we observe a silver lining around a cloud , in the same manner all our misfortunes leave behind a ray of hope. Therefore , the maxim seems to convey the great message that one should not be cowed down or brow beaten by the misfortunes or adversities. The dark difficult days of sufferings will not last forever, soon the bright days will bring joy , beauty and colour in our lives. As darkness is followed by light , similarly sorrows and sufferings will yield to joys and merry making.
It has often been seen that most people have a negative approach towards life. They are pessimist and see only the red stop light. They don’t take any action in wake of sorrows and miseriesbecause they fear failure and defeat but an optimistic person sees a green light everywhere. He fights the dark clouds of sorrow manfully , hoping that good days are sure to follow.
Remember , you laugh and the world laughs with you , if you cry you cry alone. A pessimist faces desertion in life. On the other hand the world is with optimistic people. Optimism gives man infinite courage and inexhaustible patience to face the miseries and adversities. He sees a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist run to blow it out?
The history of the world is nothing but the history of a few optimistic people. “Never give in, never lose hope and faith , never say die, these people are the ones who leave their mark in the history of mankind. Gandhiji , for example, was quite optimistic that his weapon of non violence would bring him success in driving Britishers out of India, and it did.
Life is nothing but a series of miseries , difficulties and obstacles some surmountable and some insurmountable. Optimism is a tool to fight all these odds. A man who posseses this tool will never lose heart and hope, and so will always