Organisation is one important element of the management process. It is next to planning. In management, organisation is both the process as well as the end-product of that process which is referred to as organisation structure. Such structure acts as the foundation on which the whole super-structure of management is built. Sound organisation structure is essential for the conduct of business activities in an efficient manner. It is within the framework of the organisation that the whole management process takes place. The success of the management process will be determined by the soundness of the organisation structure. Organising involves integration of resources in order to accomplish the objectives. The term 'Organisation' is derived from the word 'organism' which means a structure of body divided into parts that are held together by a fabric of relationship as one organic whole. In an enterprise, many managers and employees work together for achieving common objectives. It is the organisation structure which binds them together and brings proper adjustment and coordination in their work. The division of work and authority and the establishment of relationship among individuals or groups are possible due to the organisation structure.
In simple words, organizing means arranging the ways and means for the execution of business plan. It is the creation of administrative set-up for the execution of the plan. It suggests the framework within which the management functions. The term organisation suggests a functional group working together for achieving common purposes/objectives. Organisation provides mechanism for integrated and co-operative action by two or more persons with a view to implementing any plan. Organisation facilitates efficient administration, direction and control. It avoids wastage of raw materials and human efforts. Every management has to establish its own organisation structure for efficient conduct of