Organization is a skill that comes very naturally to some. Things must be organized in order for me to perform well at work and at home. It is a waste of time and energy searching for something when you need it. There are times that nothing seems to be where it belongs and I feel like the house is in such a mess that it will just be easier to go to the store and replace the item that I am searching for. The problem in my life is with organization and clutter. There are all types of clutter in our home. There is important clutter such as the mail that hasn’t been read, paperwork to complete for school, doctors, veterinary appointments, the bank and the insurance company just to name a few. There is also the clutter that sits atop the refrigerator. I call this the orphanage. My daughters have friends who will come often to visit. By the end of the summer we will have a few beach towels, toys and clothing left that no one wants to claim. Our wonderful extended family will drop by often with food for us. The dishes used to bring the food over get put atop the refrigerator also with the intention that I will reciprocate their kindness and bake something and return the dishes full, rather than empty. Before I ever get a chance to bake, the generous gift giver will be coming after their dish, and then a wave of guilt comes over me. I wish I would be organized with my time and my home! Being unorganized interferes with your life and your friendships in many ways. When you are devoting too much time trying to deal with stuff, you are devoting less time to important things like relationships and serving others. I desperately want to change this part of my life. If I can come up with some simple solutions and stick to them, I will be able to become organized; therefore I will be a much happier and easier person to live with. To bring about a change in our behavior, new habits need to be started by my family
References: Goett, J., Foote, Kenneth (2000). Cultivating student research and study skills in Web-based learning environments, Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Oxford: March 2000. Vol. 24, Iss. 1; Pg. 92 Morgenstern, J. (1998) Organizing from the Inside Out