1.1. Organizational description Eastern Ontario is vast and varied region with rural and urban habits and settings. The economy is relatively stable acting in the growth of human capital over the last decade. The geographic position presents new opportunities for developing and increasing the social-economic environment. Thus, more jobs and work places are required and, of course, new trained specialists are demanded. The Eastern Provincial University through is services and facilities offers annually about 20.000 undergraduate and graduate students. The structural variables of the university are interrelated focusing on the organizational effectiveness. From the job description point of this paper, it is observable …show more content…
that the structure of the organization separates the total task into practicable subtasks and organizes these subtasks working together to achieve the organization’s total task. The behaviour desired by the university is produced by the structural variables such as job design, coordination and departmention, communication and information, reward system, control system, and decision making and leadership. The goals of the university are to provide high and qualitative education for all the students training them for the future labour force.
Also, the general areas of success are wished for all students, especially in lifelong pursuit of knowledge. Having the goals and analysing the environment, a plan or a business strategy is formulated. An example for this plan of the university is to maintain a climate for students where they feel valued as individuals and supported in their learning. Another strategic direction is to prepare students and employees to perform in a diverse, multicultural and multinational environment. Task environment and business strategy must fit with the other contextual variables such as technology, workforce and organization size. According to Richard Long, any change in contextual variables determine a change in the reward …show more content…
1.2. Vision / mission Among this interconnection of structural and contextual variables of the university organization, it is important to understand the vision and mission proposed. The vision statement connects the students with all academic and non-academic staff of the university with the scope of learning practice, educational integrity, success of the University, and assurance to the communities. The mission statement state about teaching focused presenting a varied choice of programs and services that support students to succeed in their current trainings and their chosen professions. For maintaining the vision and the mission, and growing in its success, Eastern Provincial University hired 900 professors and 1500 non-academic staff. Each job is precisely described and analyzed for the better understanding of its design. The current case is analysing the job classes of clerk stenographer, draft person, grounds worker, and medical laboratory technologist.
1.3. SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis is an instrument for finding the organization strengths and weakness, its market occasions, and the external pressures to its future.
The strengths of Eastern Provincial University could be:
• strategic location
• a high level of interaction between academic
• non-academic staff and students
• a very good administrative organization
• very clear procedures and policy documentation
• understandable job descriptions with duties and responsibilities
• accessibility day, night, online formats
• rich on cultural/ ethnic diversity
• superior intellectual capital, and past performance
The weakness are expected to be obstacles to reaching the university’s purposes and objectives.
The weakness of Eastern Provincial University could be:
• lack of economic support for faculty grant
• limited attention on open events without partnership actions
• highly competitive market for faculty and staff, unnecessary bureaucracy
• not enough summer classes and programs
• lack of communication between academic and non-academic staff The opportunities are described as external environment circumstances which can be beneficial for the organization.
The opportunities of Eastern Provincial University could be:
• online education can be a strong opportunity as well as attraction and retaining of foreign people,
• connections between didactic institutions and the large workplace of Eastern Ontario,
• continuing education for personal development The threats are the harmful effect from the external environment that can affect an organization.
The threats of Eastern Provincial University could be:
• these can be the risk of losing faculty staff for the better chances at other institutions of higher education
• growing competition from other local universities
• inflation
• legislature fluctuations
• operate deficiency inside Eastern Provincial University