“Outcomes are defined as the impact, or end-results, of services on a person’s life; therefore outcomes-focused services are those that aim to achieve the priorities that service users themselves identify as important.” A study carried out at York University by Harris et al (2005) broke outcomes down into 4 sections, these being Autonomy, personal comfort, economic participation and social participation. Autonomy outcomes were broken down into the following sections by the above study:
Access to all areas of the home; Access to locality and wider environment; Communicative access and Financial security Personal Comfort outcomes were broken down into the following sections by the above study:
Personal hygiene; Safety/security; Desired level of cleanliness of the home; Emotional wellbeing and Physical health. Economic Participation outcomes were broken down into the following sections by the above study:
Access to paid employment as desired; Access to training; Access to further/higher education/employment and Access to appropriate training for new skills (e.g. lip reading). Social Participation outcomes were broken down into the following sections by the above study:
Access to mainstream leisure activities; Access to support in parenting roles; Access to support for personal secure