Tyco Employees’ Frustration turnaround
(Gerard & Teurfs 1995; Palmer et al. 2009) urges that practice dialogue is commonly used combat issue of culture in an organization or community, the practice consist of four components defined: a) First rule, the participants must suspend the attachment to their own position and judgements regarding each other. This allows participants to be more accepting to others perspective. b) Second rule, participant must identify their underlying assumptions on the matter at hand. c) Third rule, participant must listen actively to each other; remain actively present during the sessions. d) Final rule, participants must reflect in order to uncover deeper issues and create a profound level of understanding.
Transformation of culture can be measured or realised, as urged by Gerard & Teurfs (1995), byatransformed participant behavior, by the morale or feeling with the organization and by the attitude of collaborations instead of individualism. The purpose of response to question seeks to establish: the similarities in between the approach taken by the Turnaround team and the practice of dialogue; and also evaluate the outcome inline with the perceived results of a transformed culture.
These similaries between the Turnaround team’s approach and practice dialogue, categorized into three stages of using dialogue in problem solving , a view supported by Gerard & Teurfs (1995).
Stage 1. Problem Identification
(Gerard & Teurfs 1995; Palmer et al. 2009) urges that the first stage seeks to identify
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