There are two ways one can find out how much they will make doing a certain job in the military. The first most common way is looking at a military pay chart. These are easily accessible on the Web or at a recruitment office. The document lists all of the grades a person could be a part of along with their corresponding salaries. The salaries only consider one’s base pay, which is what a person receives before things are taken out or allowances are added.
The second way a person can determine how much they will make is by using a military pay calculator. These are programs also accessible through the Web that allow a potential soldier a more realistic picture of what they will make. The military pay calculator deducts the types of expenses the military would deduct along with adding allotments. The military pay calculator is a little more tedious to use than simply looking at a military pay chart, but it also offers a financial outlook that is significantly more accurate.
Military Housing Allowances?
What are some of the allotments the military pay calculator may consider? The most common one is the military housing allowance. This is pay soldiers receive to help pay for the roof over their heads, if they are unable to receive military housing. Another