Throughout the article ‘owners dump dangerous dogs to avoid penalties", the writer uses a number of persuasive devices in order to manipulate the audience's response. These include metaphors, imagery, repetition, attack and emotive language. In the heading ‘owners dump dangerous dogs to avoid penalties" repetition is used. Repetition is when the author uses recitation of a particular word. The word "dangerous" is used frequently throughout the article. It manipulates the reader in creating a sense of fear by using the powerful image of a dangerous dog wondering around with absence of subjection, which may potentionally result in a member of the community being assailed by a unregistered pitbull. Another example of a persuasive technique used was emotive language. In the sentence "this is canine genocide, that is all it is" the author positions the reader to believe that the government and the council is deliberately attempting to systematically exterminate pitbulls. The author also uses imagery to assist in conveying to the audience that pitbulls aren't as dangerous as the authorities are portraying.
The objective of the feature article written by Grant McArthur