Kendrell Lawson September 30, 2015
Chapter 3-Achieving Success? (pp. 43-62)
Question# 1: Think of a dozen problems in your workplace that would be significant improvements if addressed. Which, if any, of these problems are part of urgent crisis facing in your unit?
While working at Baruch as a college assistant in the Legal Counsel Office one problem we have is the lack of materials such as paper clips, legal writing pads and paper. The material problem is stemming from a budget cut from the office as we are not able to order as many materials compared to last semester. Other problems include the organization of records; lack of staffing; lack of space; some staff lack technical computer knowledge; unbalanced workload; the sharing of some equipment with another office; gossiping; one person withholding office calendar, a little bit communication; and a lack of diversity as I’m the only male out of 7 employees who work in the unit.
Question# 2: Consider a possible change and improvement effort in your workplace. Among people in your office, …show more content…
The lawyer does ask for our opinions and we usually just give our input and go along with what she says. She has asked for my input on certain decisions in the office, but I’m usually a fence sitter or indifferent to the changes that go on in the office. The lawyer would probably also classify me as a supporter because I just go along with the decision she makes.
Question# 8: Consider a past change and improvement effort in which you were associate. What was the result; did it work or did it fail? Analyze to what extent the results occurred due to the presence or absence of the previously mentioned five conditions, and the use or absence of the above