If you're unacquainted with this popular eating plan, the paleo diet (also known as the "Caveman Diet") prescribes a pattern of eating that mirrors the way your forefathers ate back in the day.
"Although in theory, this may seem like a sensible eating plan, particularly, when removing salt and sugar, it has removed several recommended foods like milk and grain. The foods offer nutritional value, such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus in milk and B vitamins, fibers and antioxidants in feed," says Joy Dubost, an authorized nutritionist and a spokesperson for the Academy …show more content…
Critics of the paleo diet also argue that proponents of the paleo diet resist progress. The critics argue that the adoption of agriculture was the greatest milestone humanity has achieved. In their argument, critics stress that the domestication of plants and crops allowed humanity to have profusion of food and helped human civilizations from going extinct.
Proponents of the paleo diet waste no time rebuffing the previous critics' argument as baseless. In their counterargument, proponents of the paleo diet contend that practitioners of the paleo diet do not resist progress. On the contrary, practitioners of the paleo diet go often to the supermarket and buy black berries, cultivated avocados, domesticated apples, kale and herbs. Most paleo diet practitioners don't own orchards nor do they own parcels of land to cultivate their own fruits. They can't find avocados to consume in the wilderness. In their disagreement of the critics' accusation about resisting progress, proponents of the paleo diet contend that it is totally baseless to label a group of people who go to the same supermarket with the rest of society as progress fighters just because they don't buy any grains, processed oils, and processed juices from the …show more content…
Not only humans were not genetically adapted to consume such processed food 100,000 year ago, but humans 200 years ago were also not adapted to consume such processed food. There was not enough time for genetic adaptation. And this mismatch between our stone-age genes and our newly adopted lifestyle is the root cause of all modern diseases including obesity. Therefore, the adoption of a paleo diet meal plan is the only way to fix this mismatch. Thus for the proponents of the paleo diet the question "is the paleo diet healthy?" is irrelevant... For proponents and practitioners, paleo diet is the only means to fix the mismatch between our stone-age genes and our newly adopted