Agriculture isn’t a progress in history as it has created more problems for humanity compared to what it has served.
Historical revisionism is the reinterpretation of orthodox views on evidence, motivations, and decision-making processes surrounding a historical event.
Neo-Luddite is used to describe those who are considered to be anti-technology, or those who dislike or have a difficult time understanding and using modern science and technology. The word Luddite is a historical political movement term used to describe people who are opposed to technological innovations.
Hunter-gatherer - domesticating plants and animals: life got easier
More food for less work
Agriculture is credited as a flowering of art by progressive party line
More free time opened people’s horizons which resulted in more art and creations
Parthenon and b minor mass
But can this be proved if their lives really got better when they abandoned hunter-gatherer ways?
Eg: Modern day Kalahari Bushmen
Why should they with enough food
Enough free time, sleep etc
Better balanced diet
So much diversity in food, less likely to be affected by
Progressive view: about the distant past about how lives improved with switching
By dating the remains of garbage and
Paleopathology – signs of disease in ancient people –
Chilean and Indians of Nevada; Heights of Greeks and Turks not regained
Indian skeletons in Illinoi and ohio- hunter gather to maize farming in 1150
Increased disease
Decreased life expectancy
Indians at Dickson mounds traded quantity over quality