|Subjects |1st Assessment |2nd Assessment |1st Prelims |
|English I |*Essay writing |*Essay writing |*Essay writing |
| |*letter writing (formal/informal) |*letter writing (formal/informal) |*letter writing (formal/informal) |
| |*unseen passage |*unseen passage |*unseen passage |
| |*grammar---knowledge of functional grammar, |*grammar---knowledge of functional grammar, |*grammar---knowledge of functional grammar, |
| |structure and usage of language. |structure and usage of language. |structure and usage of language. |
|English II |Drama-----as you like it ------act - iv |Drama-----as you like it ------act - v |Drama-----as you like it ------act i-v |
| |Prose------ a treasure trove of short |Prose------ a treasure trove of short |Prose------ a treasure trove of short stories |
| |stories |stories |1. An astologer’s day |
| |1. An astologer’s day |8. Girls |2. Dusk |
| |2. Dusk |9. The sniper |3. The postmaster |
| |3. The postmaster |10. The gift of magi |4. The case for the defence