Advocates who subscribe to full parental accountability stated, “They believe parents should know about and control their children’s actions and accept their obligation to bear the consequences of their children’s mistakes.” By this comment they’re stating that parents basically deserve every punishment their children commit. However, parents shouldn’t be incarcerated for their children’s wrong doings, the child themselves are responsible for the crimes they committed. They deserve to pay the price for the actions they take. If children did the crime then the most reasonable explanation would be that they pay the price. Blaming parents isn’t going to help the children learn from their mistakes, it’s just going to make it that much easier for them to commit the crime again without getting any punishment sent their way.
When it comes to parents some may be the best when it comes to raising their children, however their child decide to go down a different path with the wrong crowd and completely misbehave. That doesn’t mean that the parents should be punished for the child’s mistakes. Parents instill rules upon their children and have high expectations for them. However, many children in today’s society are easily influenced by people in their surroundings. So, by attacking the parents the problem