a) Many college students work part-time for various reasons. What kinds of part-time jobs are suitable for them? Use example to support your response.
In this era of modernization, many college students work part-time for various reasons. Most of the time, college student work part-time to earn some pockets money because college tuition expenses are very high. An example would be many students resort to work part-time to fund their daily necessities such as food, mobile phone costs and the occasional entertainments. Some college students take on part-time jobs related to their major because of the experience they gain while working. So, what kinds of part-time jobs are suitable for college students? First of all, waiter/waitress is suitable for college students to work as because this job is common part-time jobs for college students. Therefore, being a waiter/waitress is also ideal for most students because this job does not require high education qualifications. The salary for a waiter/waitress can reach as high as $10/hour and it could be double the salary if they work on public holiday. For students who weak in socializing, they can also improve their skills on socializing by working as a waiter/waitress because they will need to communicate with the customer. At the same time, college students who took courses in IT can also work as a free-lance IT consultant or a web designer. They will gain more experience and knowledge in IT as this job is all about IT. Despite this is a free-lance job, college students also can charge those who hire them for a certain amount for their work done. In addition, technology also improves one’s productivity by enabling communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing that allows employees to innovate. Undoubtedly, the salary for this job also higher than most part-time jobs in the market. Thirdly, being a part-time assistant to an administrator is also suitable for college students. For example, they can