When all adults work together in the best interest of the child, the child will develop a positive interest in reaching his or her own potential.
My childminder setting recognises that parents/carers are the first educators of their children and our aim is to work in partnership with parents and carers in providing an environment that supports that and involves them in the work of the setting to achieve a positive outcome for the child, parent and chilminders.
• We will inform all parents/carers about the setting, how it operates, opening times and policies and procedures through written information, parent notice boards and informal communication.
• We will provide information on our fee structure and payment policy and the Early Years Entitlement.
• We will keep parents/carers informed of activities by displaying the planning and themes.
• Provide opportunities for parents/carers to access information about the framework/activities offered in the setting and contribute to their child’s learning in the setting and how they can be involved at home.
• Provide opportunities for parents/carers to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interest to the activities of the setting.
• Ensure all parents/carers are aware they can discuss their child’s progress and development at any time.
• Involve parents/carers in the shared development record keeping about their child, either formally or informally and ensure they have access to their child’s written learning and development records.
• Inform parents/carers verbally, by e-mail or through letters of all news and developments within the setting and ensure that parents are aware that they are welcome to contribute in any way they feel able.
• We welcome suggestions and will actively seek parental views via parent questionnaires on a regular basis. Therefore ensuring that we are meeting the needs of both children and families.
• Listen to all