The data...
The system supplies future data requirements of the Fire Service Emergency Cover (FSEC) project, Fire Control, fundamental research and development. Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) will also be able to use this better quality data for their own purposes.
The IRS will provide FRSs with a fully electronic data capture system for all incidents attended. All UK fire services will be using this system by 1 April 2009.
Creation of a general-purpose medical record is one of the more difficult problems in database design. In the USA, most medical institutions have much more electronic information on a patient’s financial and insurance history than on the patient’s medical record. Financial information, like orthodox accounting information, is far easier to computerize and maintain, because the information is fairly standardized. Clinical information, by contrast, is extremely diverse. Signal and image data—X-Rays, ECGs, —requires much storage space, and is more challenging to manage. Mainstream relational database engines developed the ability to handle image data less than a decade ago, and the mainframe-style engines that run many medical database systems have lagged technologically. One well-known system has been written in assembly language for an obsolescent class of mainframes that IBM sells only to hospitals that have elected to purchase this system.
CPRSs are designed to review clinical information that has been gathered through a variety of mechanisms, and to capture new information. From the perspective of review, which implies retrieval of captured data, CPRSs can retrieve data in two ways. They can show data on a single patient (specified through a patient ID) or they can be used to identify a set of patients (not known in