What I Think About Patriotism Is…..
That Patriotism Is a Large Class Of Word’s That are linked to the Virtues of Membership to Participate in Relationships, or for example. Friendship, Community, and or Citizenship. And i also think that another fact is that people Should have Respect. They should let people be who they are and they deserve To be Having Freedom and Religion Built in Trust and courage. They should have pursuit of happyness. They should have Freedom of religion. I also think that people should be nice to one another they just be bossed around like a pet. They need to show that they can stand up to one another. Not be Like a servant .That is something wrong to do they should show and do that they are who they are.If some person bosses you around stand up for your self and say No know one should have to tell you what to do they are not your parent’s if they are they can tell you what to do because they are your parent’s and you need to listen to them they are a big part of your life they will always be there for you no matter what. people need to have Freedom they could do whatever they want well not everything only something’s because if you do almost everything then you would go to jail and if you go to jail then you will spend your life in there if you did something really bad then you might stay there for a whole year or month and that’s not fun at all you will be doing is eating yucky stuff but if you don't do those things then i'm sure you will be fine just follow the law then you will be ok and fine you even get to do freedom like in some places you cant go anywhere depending on where you are living America is the best place or any other place besides where you are now. You can have a great time being free have a car go to many places you can have any house that’s for sale you can have anything you desire you just need the money for it. Being free is the most awesomest thing ever and in Michigan you can Speak you can have