Paul revere ride is a very important event in history because it was when paul revere rode all around boston shouting. The Redcoats are coming, The Redcoats are coming.¨ We know of this amazing event in history because of the famous poem written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The poem was 14 paragraphs long. I think he also lit candles, if one candle was lit it meant the redcoats were coming by land and if two candle were lit it meant that the redcoats were coming by sea. The candles were how the patriots knew if the redcoats were attacking by sea or by land.
Women in the War
Women also fought in the war. When I say that women fought in the war you might think they actually fought in the war, well some brave women took their …show more content…
The colonists were throwing snowballs, sticks, and even stones at the soldiers. Furious the soldiers fired into the group of people, at that piont 3 people were killed and 8 people were badly injured. So, Captain Thomas Preston was taken on a trail there, John Adams and Josiah Quincey defend Captain Preston
The battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill took place before George Washington was chosen to leads the continental Army.The battle of Bunker Hill was the first major battle of the Revolutionary war.The Battle of Bunker Hill took place near boston on June 17, 1775
Israel Putnam and William Prescott were the Generals of the colonial army.Prescott and Putnam told their soldiers to build earthworks.When the british found out they attacked breed’s hill.
Fort Macenri
Fort Macenri is famous because of the well know song “The Star Spangled Banner.” Francis Scott Key wrote this astonishing song, while watching the battle go dusk to dawn. The song talks about how the flag stood high in the sky, in the morning and how we were all proud of the country we were going to