It is clear that Paul’s third journey was a success. He converted countless people into People of the Way, spreading Jesus’ good news far and wide across the Eastern area of the Roman Empire. He started in Corinth, then he sailed to Ephesus (stopping on the way in Cenchreae to get his hair cut in accordance with one of his vows), then he sailed to Syria, arriving in Caesarea, then traveling to Jerusalem and Antioch, and then traveling by land through the region of Galatia and Phrygia (modern day Turkey) followed by his returned back to Ephesus(Acts 18:18-19:1), and after …show more content…
During this journey, Paul was trying his hardest to convert the people who lived in Asia Minor, preaching and debating at the lecture hall of Tyrannus (in Ephesus) every day for two years, making sure Jesus’ message could be heard by as many people as possible. Paul’s third journey was a resounding success. First of all, no one got murdered or beaten up for once, in fact the only person who gets beaten up is a Jewish Chief Priest (and his companions) who attempts to use Jesus’ name to banish a demon who then attacks him (and his companions). The other (more significant) aspects of the journey that made it a success were that “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:10) and “the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor” (Acts 19:17). It is