Educ 130005 Monday,Wednesday 12:15
Peer review article Article: Kulm, T.L., & Cramer, S, (2006)The relationship of student employment to student role, family relationships, Social interactions and persistence. College Student Journal, 40(4),
Introduction: The researchers wanted to see the effects of employment of university undergraduate students.They specifically looked at how it impacted the students activity in school,with their families, with social interactions,and continuation of enrollment until graduation. Method: The method that the researchers used is a web based survey of 500 undergraduate students.The extent of employment was the independent variable. The students roles at school,with their families,and social interactions.These factors were measured using GPA,
Study time, social interactions,and Persistence towards getting a degree Results: The researchers found that the higher the number of hours employed the less time the student had to study. They also found that the higher the number of hours employed the lower the GPA. Also the more employed a student is the less time they spent in extracurricular activities Discussion: The research show that the more a student is employed the more it interferes with other aspects of their lives. The findings that i can use to help my employment plans is that working 1120 hours per week did not have negative effects on the students.Also they found
James England
Educ 130005 Monday,Wednesday 12:15
Peer review article that having a job on campus actually improved the students grades and involvement on campus