Topic: E-Recruitment
1988 words
In terms of human resource management, the Internet has dramatically changed how recruitment is being treated from both a job seekers and an organisational point of view (Epstein et al., 2003). Nowadays, traditional recruitment procedures are thought to be time-consuming with long hiring cycle times, high costs per process and of course, minimal geographical reach (Lee, 2005). On another hand, the rapid introduction of the internet into human resources recruitment processes can be said to be attributed by the internet’s unrivalled communication capabilities which allow written communications such as e-mails or documents to be sent off in a few second. Organisation’s and individual’s web-pages can be accessed at the click of a mouse. In addition to these, real-time conversations or conferences could even be conducted in an instant at anywhere or anytime (Bingham et al., 2002).
This type of communication is fast, easy and most importantly: cheap. Other than these, it can be done not only locally, but even on an international scale. An in-depth overview of how e-recruitment has grown in business is being explained in the following part.
Overview of E-Recruitment
E-recruitment, which is also known as online recruitment or internet recruiting, refers to the process of advertising job vacancies online and formal sourcing of information about jobs online (Galanaki, 2002). Whist e- recruitment is considered a relatively new concept for many organisations, articles on the topic first started appearing in the mid-1980s (Casper, 1985). However, it wasn’t until almost a decade later in the mid-1990s that more systematic and rigorous literature and research on e-recruitment began to appear in human resource related journals. The rise in the amount of literature on e-recruitment was initially attributed to the sudden increase in the use of online recruitment by IT companies and
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