1. Corporate Website
2. Online Recruiting
3. Executive Search Firms
In search for the vacant position of a Recruitment Specialist, and also keeping in mind future hiring the company will need to do in the next 3 months to two years. The sources, which can be greatly helpful in finding the right talent for our company from, are our Corporate website, Online recruiting websites and Executive search firms.
With ample number of candidates that come from online recruiting websites, corporate websites can help narrow the recruitment process. Career pages on our company’s websites will educate potential candidates about the company itself, detailed requirements of the open position and other services offered. This will be our first source for selecting qualified candidates who will proceed with the next step in the recruitment process. Thus, the open position is posted on the company’s website, only people who are looking for a job as a Recruitment Specialist or in a Care Centre will apply through the website which will make it easier to pick out qualified applicants. Online Recruiting Websites such as Canadajobs.ca, Monster Canada, and Workopolis is one of the three sources our company will use in search for a Recruitment Specialist. These online websites have a pool of candidates applying for jobs who already have a post-secondary education or higher and experience in jobs. This gives us a base for our hiring specialists to go through applications and pick and choose the right candidates who best meet the job requirements and specifications. In addition, positing the open job position in various websites saves time and provides a handful of applicants in one place rather than collecting resumes from different agencies.
Using Executive Search Firms provide a wide range of qualified candidates from agencies. Although, this maybe costly, given the accurate and complete information about the job being searched for can offer the
References: Queen 's University. (n.d.). Sample interview questions. Retrieved from http://www.queensu.ca/humanresources/managers/hiringguide/planning/interviewquestions.html Job Bank. Service Canada, (2011). Employee orientation. Retrieved from website: http://www.jobsetc.gc.ca/pieces1.jsp?category_id=2828&root_id=2821 Dessler, G., Chhinzer, N., & D.Cole, N. (2011). Selection. (12th ed., pp. 182-190). Don Mills, ON: Pearson Canada INC. NOC, (2013). Human resources and recruitment officers(1223). Retrieved from website: http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2011/ProfileQuickSearch.aspx?val=1&val1=1223&val65=recruitment specialist University of Guelph. (2013). Conducting interviews & candidate assessments. (Master 's thesis)Retrieved from https://www.uoguelph.ca/hr/file/1382/download/4480/pdf