Anglicans do not hold a view as strong as the Roman Catholics but they are against active euthanasia because it forces doctors to play God and active euthanasia is against the 1961 suicide act. Also they believe that “Your body is a temple because the spirit of God dwells in it.” They allow passive euthanasia because sometimes it is the most loving thing. Furthermore, they do not have to continue both ordinary and extraordinary treatments.
The Quaker Christians hold opposite beliefs to Roman Catholics as they permit all forms of euthanasia due to situation ethics. They believe that each situation is different and the agape principle “Love thy neighbour as thyself” includes showing mercy to the terminally ill. They say that euthanasia can be the most loving action in some situations. They also support companies such as Dignitas who are an assisted suicide clinic.
My beliefs follow the Protestant beliefs which I also believe are the strongest views because there are various flaws with the Roman Catholic argument. With the Roman Catholic views, the law of double effect allows for indirect active euthanasia, e.g. Morphene overdoses will shorten life length. This is allowed under the law of double effect because the intention is good, to relieve pain, but the unintended action, shortening life, is a side effect. This is illegal for doctors to do and if found