Step 2: Call insurance company to verify insurance and eligibility status - this is to determine what the procedures the insurance covers, deductible, co-payments and co-insurance.
Step 3: Schedule the patient's appointment - this step is to get the patient to come see the physician and come to terms if they need managed care or need a referral.
Step 4: Patient fills out registration form - this is when the patient fills out information, in order to get release of medical,account and insurance billing records,
Step 5: Make a photocopy of the front and back of the patient's insurance identification
cards- this is just to maintain in the patient's chart.
Step 6: All patients with insurance must sign the Authorization for Release of Medical Information Form- this is just in case the facility need to contact another facility for the release of the patient's records.
Step 7: Establish a new patient's chart and enter patient demographics into the practice's data base- this is just general information about the patient for example: phone number,address,e-mail or any information that can identify the patient.
Step 8: Create patient's encounter form- this also known as the charge slip, routing form or super bill, this is for financial record source.