Bob Cooley
July 1st, 2013
Michael Koma
Performance Measurement If you were a functional team manager and was asked to loan an employee for a long-term project, how would you assess his performance if he worked for the project manager? Functional managers and project managers must find middle ground and agree how to measure a functional employee’s performance while assigned to a project. There are several ways to measure and report performance, but this paper will describe and compare three techniques used by project managers today. This paper will also why it is important to have a documented performance management process and what could happen if it was missing.
Three Performance Measurement Methods
According to Kerzner (2009), there are generally nine methods used when evaluating project employees:
Essay appraisal
Graphic rating scale
Field review
Forced-choice review
Critical incident appraisal
Management by objectives
Work standards approach
Ranking methods
Assessment center
Of these nine, this paper will choose three methods that are generally used in most companies – graphic rating scale, management by objectives, and ranking methods.
Graphic rating scale is a method that is quick to set up but sometimes lacks the details and nuances of an employee’s performance and how the work was completed. Basically, the graphic rating scale is a form with a table that contains general statements about major work done on a project. Examples of these statements are “communicates effectively with peers” and “completes required work all of the time.” These rows in the table have a corresponding value that the project manager can select that best represents the employee’s performance on that topic. An example of these values are “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree.” Here’s what the form might look like:
Work Description
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
Communicates with peers