Sam-Charlie is attracted to Sam from the moment he meets her. He actually has a pretty wild dream about her the night he meets her. She's very kind, supportive, and non-judgmental of Charlie, who is three years younger than her, she has some pretty good taste in music, she's dating Craig, a guy at least three years older than her, she used to be very promiscuous, and she's experienced with a variety of illegal drugs. Despite confusing Charlie by flirting with him, but then saying they can’t be together, Sam does have his best interests at heart. She really wants him to get out and be social, and she encourages him to go out with Mary Elizabeth. It doesn't end well, sure, but she's trying her best.
Patrick-Patrick is one of Charlie's best friends. Well, he's one of Charlie's only friends. We only get to see Patrick through what Charlie decides to share in his letters. And from Charlie, Patrick seems like a happy-go-lucky guy who goes through a rough breakup before leaving his hometown and going to college. But we're pretty sure there's much more to him than that. As it turns out, Brad and Patrick are in a steamy relationship. Now you know that Brad wants to keep his relationship with Patrick a secret; he doesn't want anyone to find out that he's gay. Eventually, people find out and Brad tries to deny it, so he completely shuts Patrick out.
Mary Elizabeth-She's a teenage American Buddhist, and she has a lot to say about the matter. She tells Charlie a bit about Zen and how "it makes you connected to everything